以最高品質水準製造產品,是 G.M.P.優良化妝品,通過 FDA認證,ISO9000及以色列健康衛生部之認證。全植物性不含動物成份,無動物測試,保護皮膚免於環境傷害。



Israeli licenses for the products Free Sale    

European community import agreement   

( 歐盟進口合同書)
French health ministry license 

FDA (Foods Drugs and Alcohol) USA

Certificate of Safety for the human health

Frame formulation
C.O.C (Certificate of control)

C.O.A (certificate of Analysis)

Certification of ISO 9001:2000

Certification of HACCP from IQC (institute of Quality & Control)

GMP certification (Good Manufacturing Practices)

Certificate of Origin

Declaration of None animal testing


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